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Why contact a consultant when I can find the information on the internet?

Using a consultant to guide you through the tidying process means having an attentive and experienced ally by your side. She will teach you step-by-step the methodology, folding techniques and storage solutions; and all this while discovering what brings you joy. In addition, she will answer your questions on the spot, motivate you, reassure you and, most importantly, inspire you to succeed.

How many sessions do I need?

According to Marie Kondo, you should not exceed 4 sessions per category. However, this depends on several factors, such as the quantity of the objects, the availability of both parties and so on. For more information about the process, click here.

How long does a session last?

According to Marie Kondo’s method, a session lasts on average between 3 and 5 hours. However, in our personal experience, a session should last at least 4 hours. The first few hours are usually easier to get through and motivation is at its peak, however, as time goes on, it becomes more difficult. At this challenging stage we want to be there for you, to support and guide you. At least, that is what we advise, but it is up to you to decide whether you need help at this stage or whether you want to continue on your own. Furthermore, the length of a session also depends on the following factors: the amount of objects, the speed of decision-making, fatigue and other imponderables. For more information about the process, click here.

What if I don't have the time?

This means you’ve come to the right place. Tidying up is a long-term investment. It will take time and energy at the beginning, but in the end you will gain. This means, you will be clear about which object is where because you will have defined a nice and efficient place for each of them. As a result, you will find the item and tidy it up more quickly as afterwards.

How often do the sessions take place?

It’s up to us to choose according to our availability. Generally speaking, one session per week or every fortnight would be optimal. This helps to move forward with the tidying up at an appropriate pace, while still keeping up and completing your other daily tasks and obligations.

Do you tidy up at my house?

No, I guide you, meaning I will teach you step-by-step the methodology, folding techniques and tidying solutions. In addition, I will answer your questions on the spot, motivate you, ensure and above all, give you the desire to succeed. However, for the method to be effective, it is up to you to do the work.

What if I don't have the money?

We also offer a reduced price. You can contact us by answering the following questions:

Our goal is that every motivated person can access our services.

Why tidying up?

Tidying up is a powerful tool, but that is not its purpose. The real purpose of tidying is to declutter so you can live the life you want. When you tidy up your home using the KonMari® method, you have no choice but to listen to your inner voice - because the question of what you want to own is really the question of how you want to live your life. When you re-evaluate your possessions and organise your home, you set the stage for a huge transformation. This is the magic of tidying up!

And if you have any more questions, please feel free to contact us.
